Friday, December 3, 2010

Reflection Time...

So today is my birthday...I am officially a quarter of a century old...ewwwww 25 sounds a lot better! But while I was getting ready this morning I was thinking about my life up to this point. There have definitely been some really, really, REALLY crappy times...but there have also been moments that I wouldn't trade for the world. I am one happy camper this morning when I think of all that is good in my life.

I have a fantastic marriage....sure we argue sometimes, but at the end of the day, I love my husband and there's nothing better than going to bed every night beside him, and waking up next to him...he really does understand me and all my moodiness, and loves me all the same.

I have my master's degree and was able to hold my head high and walk across that stage to recieve my diploma, even if I was 7 months pregnant. It came with a lot of tears and sleepless nights, but it was worth it.

I have a wonderful job...middle schoolers are a different creature from most human beings, but they make me smile and make me happy to be able to work with them every day. And I got the job just 5 weeks after giving birth, and going through 3 interviews and sending out at least a hundred resumes/cover letters.

Most of all, I have a BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL AND AMAZING baby little Kenzie, and I really didn't think that I could love anyone as much as I love I love my husband, but this love for Kenzie is beyond words. Even after the toughest day, I can pick her up and everything is right with the world.

So to all my doubters...yes, even those family members who thought that I would never amount to anything after my divorce, TAKE A LOOK AT ME NOW!!!! I am a happily married, mother of an amzing daughter with a successful career in the counseling field and guess what...I AM HAPPY!!!!! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!

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