Monday, November 22, 2010

What to do...

I find myself exhausted this so tired I could fall out of my chair right now and just sleep on the cold tile floor for hours! This weekend was interesting to say the least but now I am at a crossroads. So on Friday I had my wisdom teeth removed, and I was THANKFUL that I had a wonderful husband who helped take care of a "winey" person-no I have to admit that I did complain a LOT becuase I am a very picky eater and most of what I eat I couldn't because of the surgery *sigh*. I got some rest on Friday and Kenzie was a good baby dealing with the shots from the day before, only she was still spiting up.

Saturday we headed over to my in-laws to spend the day with them and to do a little shopping. Her spitting up returned with a vengence! Although she wasn't too fussy so the Zantac is helping to ease her discomfort with the food coming back up. However, I am now concerned with the fact that more food seems to be coming up than before. And it comes up at several different times, she burps like she is suppose to but you leave her be for a bit and the next thing you know she's spitting back up nearly all that she ate. I know she's not in pain, because she's not screaming like she was before, BUT I would rather not have to do laundry every day because of her constantly throwing up and covering bibs and burps cloths and clothes with formula and food. I just don't know!

Happy note: We tried food for the first time, well we had tried rice and oatmeal before, which she wanted nothing to do with, so we were thinking that if we give her food then maybe it will stay in her. So Kenzie got her first taste of carrots and she LOVED them! It took her a little bit to get use to the spoon-she kept wanting to put her tongue on top of the spoon! But she did good, so we have one more day of carrots then we are moving on to the sweet potatoes...maybe she won't be as picky of an eater as I am!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone, and a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! I will try and post pictures later, maybe after we get some more taken from Thanksgiving in North Carolina-if we ever make it!

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