I don't really know what I was expecting when it finally came time to have this baby...but the experience was memorable. I had always heard everyone say that there is pain with giving birth (DUH!) but the minute you see your baby, you don't remember it. That is soooooooo true! I was in labor for 20 hours, although I only pushed for 6 minutes, 3 pushes total, and she was out...being laid on my chest and Clinton was cutting the cord. I just remember looking at him and through my tears saying, "we just had a baby." Yes seriously, I kept saying that, through most of the night and into the morning (she was born at 11:06 pm). I was in some pain, but just being able to hold that little girl....I can't even put it into words. We were showered with love by our family...and everyone wanted to hold the baby....but again, she was so cute why wouldn't they!
Then when everyone went home we were left with just my husband and myself and now this new little person who wanted and needed us to take care of her every need!!!! That is when the panic set in...I was exhausted but so in love at that moment...I now understand what people mean when they say 'you don't know love until you have had a child.' Kenzie (her name is Mackenzie but I call her Kenzie, unless I'm trying to make her laugh, then I say her name in funny voices) is the best baby in the world. Seriously, she has been sleeping through the night since she was 6weeks old AND she sleeps in her own bed, although, I will admit that lately if she gets up a few mintues before my alarm is going to go off at 4:45 then I get her up and see if she will go back to sleep in our bed until the alarm goes off. And sometimes she will fall back asleep with her arms over her head legs all sprawled out and that gives me a few minutes to shower and get ready for the day. And yes, I place pillows around her so she won't roll off the bed, I'm not that bad of a mom! :)
I cannot believe that she is going to be 4 months old in just two weeks!!!! Where has the time gone? Oh that's right, it goes right out the window! Even though I am working now I seriously have the best hours for having a newborn. I am at work by 6:45am and I am able to go home by 2:45....which that leaves me time to work out at 'Curves' (most days, but I am not always good about it) and still pick my daughter up by 4. Then it's my favorite time of the day, 'Kenzie and mommie' time...I always try and take at least 45 mintues (if not more depending on her mood) where I lock us in my bedroom and simply play with her. I love that about having a baby...she makes me appreciate the little things, grant it, I have always tried to do that, but I believe I do it more now. The way that she looks at me, the way she smiles, and now the way that she is trying to laugh...I have heard her laugh a couple times now, but she won't do it for anyone else but me. Does my face look that funny? Seriously, I have talked to her and asked her to 'stop making mommie look like she's crazy, I already do such a great job of it myself.' I can't imagine my life without her now....the end of my work day is the best part (or unless I am goign to go work out, then not so much). But the minute that I pick her up from daycare (again, bad mommie....or at least some people think so)and hold her in my arms and give her kisses, my day is complete. Oh and clinton coming home and seeing him play with her too is good as well, but this is my little secret.
So all in all...I guess that even though we aren't quite sure what to expected from having babies, I have learned to expect the unexpected....really....each day is a new discovery for Kenzie and I love being there to experience it with her.
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