This is what my life is made of up now...and seriously I could not be happier. Kenzie is already forming such a personalilty...that is when she is isn't sick which has been the majority of her life since she was two and a half months old. Now I know that daycare comes with germs, and I expected the colds and runny noses BUT she has been sick for awhile. We finally figure out that it was an ear infection and sinus infection and she is on antibiotics. So problem solved right? Well the congestion is back with a vengence, her fussiness occurs every now and again, she is still sitting at a 99.3 temperature (however since she is past the 3 month period, her temperature has to be at 101 before we can become alarmed), and she is spitting up like no one's business. It is nothing for me to have to go through 4 bibs and 3 to 4 burps cloths in a 5 hours period between the time that i get home and the time she goes to bed. I know, I know, babies are suppose to spit-up, it's a like a mommies badge of honor. (And believe me if being a mom was like the military I would be climbing the ranks, I have my been peed on, pooped on, spit-up on and projectile spit-up/vomited up on, oh and lately drooled on...but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!) But I am worried about this, I am beginning to think that maybe there's something else wrong with her, because I know that some babies could just be happy spitters (kind of gross, eh?) but lately her spit-up is causing her to become upset.
She will eat, burp, and then an hour or so later she will spit-up...and once she does it she starts wailing...that is when I just have to remain calm and tell her everything is ok. Although in the back of my mind my mommie sensor is going off like crazy! It's amazing all the new things that get added to your body once you become a mom and are responsible for another human being. I hate to keep calling the Pediatrician, no seriously, I think that they know my voice and are like "what's wrong with Kenzie this time?" but I just don't want to let things lie and something be seriously wrong with her. *sigh*
But on to the happier things, I like to always try and end things on a happy note. I love spending time with's amazing all the new discoveries that she is making. Like last night, once she was bathed, in her pjs, doped up with medicine, and fed her nightly bottle she was wide awake, and then became fussy because she needed to be changed (spit-up and a pee diaper), so I laid a blanket in the floor of the living room and got her completely nakes a ready to put a new diaper on and then she began to roll! My daughter, who used to hate being naked, was attempting to roll over naked. So I let her be naked and try and roll over...she mastered the rolling from her back to her side, but hse just couldn't get all the way over to her tummy, but boy was she trying! seriously, with her legs just a kicking, her fists shoved in her mouth (I think that she's teething) while trying to talk, her head was all the way over but she just couldn't get her bottom arm up to flip all the way over. She tried and tried and we just knew that she might, she was frustrated and you could tell by her crying, but i didn't pick her up right away mostly because I was hoping that she would finally get it.
After 15 minutes she gave up and rolled onto her back and let me put her diaper on and then she wanted to stand up like a big girl. I am so proud of my baby and I know that eventually she will get it...she enjoys her tummy time, for about 10 minutes at the most, (another reason I think that there may be a stomach issue). So last night, even though she spit up several times (on 3 bibs, two burp cloths and one foot pj), was a little fussy and still awake at 9pm (her bed time) and I was exhausted knowing that I needed to get bottles made (and did with the help of Clinton), and still needed to straighten up the living room, I remembered that above all little moments like watching Kenzie try and roll over was more important that anything else going on in the world...(and now I am about to cry because it makes me realize that she is growing up sooooo fast.... only two more weeks until she's 4months old!)
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