Friday, January 14, 2011

life is what you make of it...

Once again I find my mind wondering because it is Friday and it SHOULD be a good day and I SHOULD be excited about the three day weekend-but I'm not...there were somethings that happened that really hurt my feelings and I have no one that I can talk to at this moment so I turn to my get ready for a long vent blog!

Growing up you are taught that one should be a good sport, a team player, supportive whether things go your way or not, include others, etc....but where do we lose these good qualities along the way? I agree that you should work hard and try to make yourself known in your job in this tough economic time, but I also believe that you should NOT step on, belittle or make anyone else that you work with feel bad in the process. Now of course, you can't spend your life walking on egg shells, but be tactful and watch who you take your frustrations out on...think about it-how many times have you blown up at the wrong person. This is what happened to me today. I was the victim of doing my job-but at the same time getting shunned and made to feel like I am in capable of being a counselor. I seriously felt as though I was having a flash back of being in middle school again (amusing I know because of where I am currently working) stuck between two friends and feeling like nothing I can say will make anything better.

I agree that I am new to this field of work but I was trained under some really great and well-known in Virginia's counseling field I am not dumb...and I am not here to take your job-I just want to feel included. I feel so selfish asking this, but when you work with students, I believe that there has to be team approach...everyone, whether you love that person or can't stand to be anywhere near them, you need to work together! I just want to be trusted, and there are those who believe that trust should be earned, and while that may be true, it's hard to earn trust if you are sitting on the sidelines.

As my title says...I am just going to try and make the best of what is left of this workday...look at the pictures of my daughter and be thankful that I do have a job. But I wish that each of you who read this blog would remember this...(and this is something that I got from someone else so I can't take credit for it-but I love this phrase so I am going to share it)
                   *Be kinder than necessary because everyone is fighting some kind of battle*

So while we may ourselves be having a hard/bad day remember that someone else always has it worse, and remember not to take your frustrations/anger out on the wrong person. Life is what you make of it and I am choosing to make it a great day...

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