Friday, January 7, 2011

Being thankful.....

I know that it's not November but sometimes I think that it's a good idea to take other times of the year to give thanks for the good things in our lives. I sometimes have the tendency to be a little more negative than I would like, so that is why in this little lull I have going on in my work I am want to think of most of the things that I am thankful for...I would say all but I don't think that I have the brain capacity for that at this point in time. *Sorry...being sick lately and being a new mommie...there is not too much room for anything else in my mind right now.

1. I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband...sometimes he disagrees with me on this one, but yesterday he reafirmed this for me. I had started not feeling well on Wednesday, but I was trying to fight it (silly me..) he was trying to make me go to bed early and fix me dinner and take more of the lead of caring for Kenzie but me being the stubborn and loving :) wife that I am didn't let him do all of these things (I guess I just felt like I would be a bad mommie if I wasn't the one taking care of everything around the house). SO I woke up at 4:30 Thursday morning feeling like death (strong term, sorry)...could barely talk, my ears and throat hurt and my head was pounding...there was no way I was going to be able to get up and be able to deal with middle I emailed out of work and told Clint that I couldn't do anything that day. He being as awesome as he is, got up, got everything together (with me sleepily talking to him from the bed), switched out the car seat, and got Kenzie ready for daycare and instead of making me get up to take her and nearly making himself late for work (only becuase this is the first time that he has been able to take her without me) took her to daycare so mommie could get a full day of rest and try and get to the doctor. Then he was awesome enough to check on me throughout the day and even when he got home and I was feeling better he still was doing most of the work. I love him...

2. My like me at times daughter. Kenzie is such an amazing addition to mine and my husband's life. She makes us laugh, she brings us closer together but most of all she amazes us each day. I love waking up and seeing her little face and knowing that she is a part of clinton and myself. But she really is like me which makes me smile....of course not in that moment but within a few minutes after...she can be sooooo impatient sometimes (and I know that her grandparents would beg to differ on this) and she get sooooo fussy if you don't get that bottle ready fast enough or if you aren't paying attention to her but it cracks me up because as soon as I look at her (or Clinton does) she starts laughing. Such a manipulator already shesh! Boy are Clinton and I going to have our hands full!

3. My wonderful parents and in-laws....I love them all sooooooo very much. My parents have always been soooooooo supportive (even if they didn't always fully agree with my decisions) and so loving.... and I truly can tell them anything without feeling scared and know that they will love me and understand where I am coming from. They will laugh with me (or at me sometimes), they will cry with me, and even though they don't always have it themselves, they are always willing to go above and beyond what they need to, to make sure that I am taken care of. My in-laws, whom I can call mom and dad too are great as well. They treat me like a daughter....I feel as though I can call on them day and night. And they are always willing to babysit (wonder why that is?) I love being with them on the weekends and it's soooo funny because there are times when Clinton will say-my parents love you more than they love me! But I am so thankful to have them here and to know that Kenzie is able to spend time with both sets of grandparents, and I pray that they continue to live long lives so that she will grow up with all of them.

Of course I can continue to go on and on....and tomorrow I will put up at least three more people/things...( and yes, Maria you will be on here, but I feel as though you deserve your own number so be patient)...that I am thankful that whenever I am feeling down I can reflect on this and know that I am loved and I have people that need me!

Happy Friday to everyone...and continue to say prayers for baby Scarlett...she is doing well but her and her family still need our prayers and thoughts!!!!! *Praying for a miracle and going red for baby Scarlett!!!!

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