Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long time no write...

So there has been so much going on in the workplace, and in my life in general I have barely found time to even take pictures of my little one (I'm a horrible mother)!
    I find myself eager to get out of town and just do something different...even if the bank account tells me I can't do that. But here I am going to a conference this weekend (well Wednesday through Friday)...I am actually excited about this one b/c I will be able to talk with other counselors who share this passion for helping students like I do. Plus I will be able to talk with my professor from graduate school and get some real professional advice about what to do with frustrating situations that arise at work-mostly with the adults that I work with more than the kids! But I am also a little sad that I won't be able to share this outing with some of my buddies from grad school...apparently I am the only one who can slip away to catch up on all the latest news in the world of school counseling. But either way I am going to enjoy these few days away to soak up all that is school counseling and try not to buy up all the books.

    Kenzie on the other hand has been going good and bad.  Bad news first....due to all the ear infections and sinus infections, she will be having tubes put in :( I know that its for the best because I don't want her to be delayed in her speech or reading abilities so even though she is rather young, I know that this will be good for her. And most people who have had their children get tubes tell me that I will be happy I did this and that it's far worse on me than it will be on her. The only thing that I am not looking forward to is not being able to give her anything to eat or drink after midnight until after the surgery :( because if she is anything like her mommie-she will not be a happy camper without food!
   Good news: she has now master the art of crawling, she can get most anywhere pretty fast and she says dada and she loves to make all sorts of noises with her mouth. She is also cutting her first tooth-although at 2 in the morning, this part belongs in the bad new category for mom and dad. And she is pulling up on everything!!!! She wants to walk so badly, she just doesn't know what to do...and she doesn't want to let go just yet, which is fine by mommie! I can't believe that my baby is 8 months old and in less than 4 months it will have been a year since I gave birth to her. I think that I will be excited and sad on her birthday. Excited b/c I am planning an awesome birthday party, but sad b/c my little girl is growing up too fast. I now get it when everyone else around me kept telling me that I should enjoy every minute b/c it will go by in the blink of an eye...it really does.
    I also went through her clothes the other day and I can't believe all that she has outgrown! I put most everything away in containers...just in case roof #2 is a girl...and mostly b/c I couldn't see myself parting with some of her favorite outfits (and by her I mean me)...although I have pulled out a few things for some of my buddies who are all having their babies...it may give me baby fever again...but then I just look at what I pay for daycare and then I am reminded why we need to wait.
   I am still very much so enjoying being a mommie...I wouldn't trade any sleepless night, snot/spit-up stained t-shirt, or fussy evening for anything else in the world...she is an amazing baby and I can't wait to see who she will become.

I think that's it for now...I will try not to let time pass so long inbetween posts...thanks for reading.

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